Lasting Power of Attorney
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An LPA is a legal document that you (the Donor) make using a special form.
It allows you to choose someone now (the Attorney) that you trust to make decisions on your behalf regarding matters such as your property and financial affairs, or health and welfare at a time in the future when you no longer wish to make those decisions. You may unfortunately be in a position whereby you lack the mental capacity to make those decisions for yourself.
The Office of Public Guardian recommends that everyone over the age of 35 should have a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA).
An LPA does not need to be registered until you (the donor) has actually lost mental capacity. Unfortunately due to the many problems which occur with registration, should the registration be delayed until loss of capacity there is a risk the registration could fail and your family would have to ask the court for rectification. Therefore, if you wish your application to be registered, Landseer will organise this on your behalf.